On Sunday 2 August the McDonalds Ballet Scholarship Finals and Open Jazz Finals were held at the Sydney Opera House. Easily one of the biggest events on the annual dance calendar, there were stunning performances from 8 of Australia’s best young budding classical dancers each performing a classical variation and contemporary routine for the 2000 strong crowd. Also performing on the night were 8 super slick jazz routines fighting out for the title of this year’s Open Jazz Group winner.
Dubbo Ballet Studio’s Open Lyrical performance was selected as a guest artist to perform on the evening and the group was absolutely outstanding! The group wowed the crowd with their stunning performance of their award winning routine ‘The Eye of the Beholder’ which is a expressive lyrical piece exploring the beauty of the human body in its purest and most beautiful form.
The team had an absolute ball on the fun filled day with a surprise ferry ride to Manly with a run down the Manly Corso, lunch on the beach and a trip to the Royal Botanic Gardens, all packed around rehearsals at the Concert Hall and of course their performance.
2015 marks the 5th consecutive year DBS has performed at this annual event, this year being one of their best performances with out a doubt! A big congratulations to everyone involved.
Once the concert had concluded, the team and their families packed back onto a double decker bus and headed back to Dubbo! A late night with a 4:15am arrival back home, but well worth the tiring yet rewarding and successful trip!